Welcome to your new website. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! It has been included in the category Top Level Category. To learn more about categories click the Posts/Categories link on your left navigation bar and read our descriptions for Top Level Category and Sub-Category. If you are in “edit” mode right now look to your right and you will see the “Post Tags” box … Tags are like “key words” they help search engines to know what you are writing about on your website. To add a new tag just enter it in the field below Post Tags and hit add. Add as many tags as are applicable for a given post or page. Once a tag is added one time you can re-use it on other posts and pages by clicking the “Choose from the most used tags” link.
Better Website Builders Admin says
This is the first comment on your blog posts. Comments allow your visitors to communicate with you and other members of your site but they do require some monitoring so we have turned comments “off” for new articles and posts. You can turn them on per post or page as you wish.